24-year-old man in danger of death after Hemus disaster


Temporary is limited to movement in the precursor bands of the Hemus Highway in the Devnya area .

Around 9 and 30 hours, at Hemus Motorway, direction Sofia, left before Devnya, A 24-year-old man from Pleve n, ruler of Rover,, loses control and rolls towards the line demarcation

As a result of the incident the man was placed in a hospital, having undergone amputation on a lower limb, is currently in danger of death.

Police and emergency badistants responded immediately. They are temporarily closed to run the airstrips in both directions in the section.

The milking takes place in the active band and is regulated by the "police of the road". (F, f, q, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () n.callMethod?
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