4 reasons for breast cancer that you do not know


Breast cancer is a terrible nightmare for every woman. The exact causes of oncology are not yet known, but scientists have discovered that they are caused by a set of harmful factors – a bad environment, an unhealthy lifestyle, problems with the immune system and a long stressful stay

Thus, cancer is more likely to occur in people whose bodies are full of toxins. This is clearly seen when talking about bad cancer: it's a broken circulatory system of the lymphatic system, dairy and toxins are common in women with bad cancer. You will be surprised to find that everyday things can bring you closer to this terrible disease.

The Causes of Breast Cancer

Women in the Risk Zone:

Using Antiperspirants with Antibiotics 39, aluminum

the property of accumulating in the body and poisoning it! In addition, the blockage of pores is very damaging – sweat is not released, and with it the harmful substances that contribute to the emergence of cancer. The sweat glands are located near the chest and the accumulated toxins are often collected in the lymph nodes located near the chest

These facts do not mean that you should stop using these products! But instead of the usual advertised antiperspirants and deodorants, choose those made from natural ingredients that do not contain aluminum and parabens. These tools do not block the work of the sweat glands and are harmless to you.

Wearing a bra

If you choose a bra according to an aesthetic criterion, it's completely wrong. It should not be just a beautiful but comfortable garment and not kill you. Padded bads disrupt the flow of lymph and stimulate the build-up of carcinogens in the bad. Limit the wear time of brbad to a minimum. Never sleep with a bra and do not try to wear it all day, at least at home use more comfortable underwear.

Insomnia is a harmful factor that affects the development of cancer. During sleep, the hormone melatonin is produced, which also has anticancer properties. Women who do not always sleep often fall victim to the disease

It is strange that smoking and other bad habits are on the list of things mentioned above. First and foremost, the main causes of bad cancer are toxic deodorants and impractical bras. Look at your health, beauty without health costs nothing!

Source zdrave.to

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