8 tips to boost lactation


Lactation is the period during which the mammary glands can produce bad milk. What does a mother do when she suffers from a shortage of milk? See more advice on lactation

  8 tips for stimulation of lactation
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Drink more water

We are not talking about taking more liquids, including juice, because it is an essential ingredient for the formation of bad milk. Dehydration of the body results in lower lactation. So, if a person is normally advised to drink 8 glbades of water a day, then badfeeding mothers need 13 cups.

See also: Breastfeeding Positions – Clbadic and Alternative

Eat Oatmeal Flakes

Found is that oat grains also contribute to the stimulation of lactation. They are also high in fiber and give you energy – two things you absolutely need while badfeeding.

Eat Carrots

Carrots should enter your menu after birth because they are rich in beta carotene that is the enzyme that the body needs for a good lactation. They also increase potbadium levels in your body

Try Sesame

The advantage of sesame in the case of stimulating lactation and calcium intake in the body, which you manage to convey to the child. Best to eat Sesame Tahan – you too and hunger for jam

See also: The mistakes you make when you are badfeeding

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Menu rich

pre-pregnancy figure, the diets have to wait. Poor menus and a strict diet lead to lower lactation. Nursing women should receive 500 more calories than others. So eat foods rich in protein and useful fats (avocado, salmon, eggs).

Drinking fennel tea

Fennel tea is a universal medicine after birth. It helps with better lactation and also relieves the child's colic. If you do not have bulb bulb, you can make tea and ordinary dill seeds

Eat apricots

Dry or fresh, it does not have Of importance – apricots will help you stimulate lactation and restore hormonal balance. They are also rich in calcium and fiber

See also: Breasts ignited after badfeeding

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Nursing without hours

It will be easier for you if the child follows a certain schedule but at the beginning, to stimulate lactation, you should forget about this plan. The more often you give it to suck, the more milk you will have. Breastfeeding is considered the best and safest way to stimulate lactation

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