Radiation 50 times higher than the norm of the beach near Chernomorets


The bTV

Health authorities issued a new warning for dangerous radiation levels in Vromos Bay near Chernomorets. In individual sections, radiation pollution is 50 times higher than normal. The access to the beach is not forbidden because the authorities have left the decision entirely in the hands of the beachmates

The beach road has a plaque in Bulgarian and English, which warns of the danger in the region

The effect after a long sand is not immediate, but it can occur in the years, warn the health authorities. Small children also have the risk of swallowing sand. The beach is uncompromising and is preferred by families with children

The reason for the radiation is the copper ore mined in the nearby Rosen mine. It was rich in uranium and radium. A portion of the mine's wastewater was dumped into the bay during its operation (1945-1995).

The governor of Burgas has repeatedly banned stranding in Vromos Bay over the past eight years but no one has exercised control

Vromos Bay is located 13 km south of Burgas and is known as "West Beach of Chernomorets

A new tailings pond for Rosen was built only in 1998 with money from the European Union under the PHARE program.The shore was covered with clean sand to limit pollution.In 2014, the estimate is that radiation levels in the region are twice as high as the norm.The current study shows that in some parts of the range the radiation is 50 times higher than the norm

"It has a carcinogenic effect as well as genetic mutations in the bad cells, respectively, in the offspring extremely dangerous for young people and for pregnant women The half-life of these radioisotope elements is significantly longer than it is more than 90-100 years ago, "said Verginia Tsanova, Deputy Director of Health Inspection in Burgas, Verginia Tsanova, quoted by BTV

. on the beach. "It's the choice and the people, we just have to warn them," she said.Burgas Governor Konstantin Grebenarov four years ago banned the beach

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