The ATM explosion in Plovdiv has awakened half of the Thrace district (Photos)


<img itemprop = "url" content = "" src = " 289 / Image_6949289_1126.jpg "width =" 400 "height =" 300 "clbad =" cursor "alt =" The explosion of the ATM shocked half of the Trakia district in Plovdiv

" 4:30 am I heard a terrible accident "I immediately thought it was a bomb," said a woman from block 175. The signal of the attack was filed at 112 at 4:40 pm

For the moment, the investigators and the bosses of the bank are on the spot. During the explosion, the entrance to the building was damaged, while the ATM was in pieces.

The police still do not specify what amount is stolen.

The bank branch was opened four years ago. "

" At the second minute, after we received a report of the incident, we were in place, "said a security representative.At the same time, the police arrived.

On the site "Spotted in Plovdiv", a resident of the neighborhood said she saw a black car hurry to the explosion.

The investigators have already taken camera recordings.

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