The country's population is expected to be less than 7,000,000 in 2019 (OBZOR)


July 10, 2018 | 06:01 | FOCUS News Agency

  Source: Information Agency

  The number of the population in the country is expected to be less than 7,000,000 (OBZOR) by 2019 . Photo: FOCUS Information Agency

Sofia. The number of the population is expected to be less than 7 million in 2019, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INS), the number of the population in Bulgaria is 7 050 000. C & # 39; said Magdalena Kostova, director of the Directorate of Demographic and Social Statistics, at the media meeting on the census of population and housing in 2021, whose preparation began with the launch of the meeting. INS.
During the meeting with the media, the president of the Institute, Sergei Tsvetarski, explained that the census of the population is the largest statistical survey that provides basic information on the governance of a country. He explained that the census of 2021 would be the 18th in a row and should be regulated by a separate law, with two regional meetings held: in Plovdiv on July 13, 2018 and in Veliko Tarnovo on July 23, 2018 and on July 27, 2018 specifically for the city of Sofia and the district of Sofia. The INS explained that the goal is to have a bill on September 7, 2018, which will also be uploaded to the public consultation site and by the end of October the bill should be submitted by the Deputy Prime Minister to a meeting of the Council of Ministers enter the legislative program of the National Assembly in the first half of 2019
The Institute will propose three calendar options for the census, with the idea of ​​avoiding implementation during the elections.
One time option covers the months of January to February 2021, the second is May 2021 and the third from November to December 2021
Outside the time horizon of the census, the NSI thinks it would be worth asking if there are questions about religion, ethnicity and mother tongue of the people. The Institute is optimistic that the 18th census will count more people electronically
The last three censuses (FOCUS News Agency)
The Census of Population is the only source of accurate data on the number of people in the country and in individual institutions according to bad, age, education, literacy, occupation, religion, ethnicity.
February 2011
In February 2011 was held the 17th Census of Population and Housing in Bulgaria. In 2011, the population of Bulgaria is 7,364,570 people. The questions on the census sheet specify age, education, employment, marital status and residence, housing conditions, income or taxes.
March 2001
The population census in Bulgaria in 2001 took place on 1 March. At this date, the number of the population in Bulgaria is 7,932,984 persons. This is the first census of the 21st century and, for the first time, the date and history are not traditional at the beginning or the end of December, but in accordance with the recommendations of Eurostat. During the census, data for Bulgaria can be compared to data from other European countries and be part of the data for Europe and the world as a whole.
December 1992
As of December 4, 1992, the population of the country was 8,487,317. The census is accompanied by a study of the processes of restitution, privatization and agrarian reform. A survey on employment and unemployment was conducted. The census was carried out in accordance with a resolution of the National Assembly of 1992

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