Helping children who do not go to school should go directly to them


Aids for children who do not go to school should go directly to them. This is what Ventseslava Genova, regional chief of education in Varna, said in an interview with FOCUS Radio – Varna. The necessary change in the way the grants for students absent from school were proposed during the public consultation on the concept of the Social Services Act, which was held last week in Varna .

The concept of the concept is to regulate specific social relations for the provision, use, financing, quality, control and monitoring of social services. According to Ventseslava Genova, there are a number of cases in which the parent, for various reasons, deprives the child of the allowance granted.

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The School Strengthening Teams of the Joint Care Facility of the Institutions on Facilitation and Maintenance in Education of Children and Students in Preschool and Compulsory School Age go home and find children and students who must be either garden or school children but very often these children and students can not go to school for lack of shoes, pants, jackets In these cases, teams recommend that a measure be taken for provide family benefits in kind but according to the prescribed standard The parent should be informed and ask for his consent to help the child to receive not in cash but in kind The parent can say that he does not want to l & # 39; 39; money in kind, that is to say buy the clothes or textbooks and school books of the child helped to go to school There are bad guys who do not spend money # 39; a money for the child and for the needs, she must be a student, "said Ventseslava Genova.
According to her, in other cases, the parents of the child are abroad and, in the country, take care of parents or elderly parents.

"How to ask the parent if he agrees to receive the kind of help in kind, and that's what leaves the kids at home, and that the research team finds the right one." 39, child and finds the reason he does not go to school.If this parent is not in the country or are not in good faith and does not allow that help is given in-kind, the efforts of many experts and institutions remain unsuccessful.We continue to grant badistance, that is to say to allocate funds to this child for not being able to use them is went to school, stayed at home and we were spending money and reproducing illiteracy My suggestion is to have ways to reach directly the child The measures to be implemented are effective to have a mechanism to measure the effectiveness of the service to the child "said Ventseslava Genova.

The government has approved additional funding for activities under the national program "Optimization of the internal staff structure. ..

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