Homicide charges across the country were withheld


In the Roma neighborhood of Blagoevgrad there is a specialized police action, Bulgarian National Television reported

In the Gypsy Quarter there are two gendarmerie teams and officers of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior. the Interior

and houses

The action is related to the counter domestic crime the head of police in Nikolay Hadozhiev Blagoevgrad. According to him, such actions take place in several other cities of the country

There is currently no data available for those arrested

  Image 368044

Source: ] some vans of the gendarmerie. The neighborhood is busy, writes "24 hours."

Police cars are placed at the entrance of the district, the authorities stop all cars . The documents of the drivers and the luggage of the cars are checked. It is also checked whether the horse carriages have the necessary permission and registration

According to unofficial information, the command of the specialized police is headed by the chief secretary of the Ministry of the Interior Mladen Marinov

<img src = "https://webnews.bg/uploads/images/37/8037/368037/640x.jpg?_=1531467043" alt = "Source: ] Proceedings against the domestic crime occurred on the territory of the country yesterday reported the BNR. Yesterday, action began in Ihtiman and Botevgrad where people have been detained in various preliminary proceedings for crimes Today

There are dozens of addresses in different cities

We expect to what the actions of the Ministry of the Interior continue in the next (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) i (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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