The refugee problem – urgent or overexposed?


Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and BSP leader Kornelia Ninova showed different points of view on the country's policy on migrants.

Borisov also praised the very high results of the Bulgarian EU presidency, which has undoubtedly been successful, as well as the evaluation of our community partners and decided that it was not necessary to Was not a public relations campaign

"The problem with migrants is overexposed, like our country in 2014 and 2015. Since then, the flow of refugees has decreased significantly due to concerted actions and EU complexes, "commented Stud"

According to him, the decisions taken at the level of the European Union fully satisfy the interests of Bulgaria at this time. "

Earlier today , Borisov noted that "The Bulgarian institutions have shown that they are responsible and able to work for European causes

" There are two ways of thinking about refugee issues in Europe, one baderting that the European approach devr to be sought, and the other we need to close the borders so as not to allow migrants "the chairman of the Sofia Security Forum, Yordan Bozhilov, pointed out

Before Bulgaria ON AIR he emphasized that it is in the interest of our country to seek the European solution because the migratory waves come from different factors [19659002 Les deux invités de l'atelier de Ganiela Angelova s'accordaient sur le fait qu'une solution complexe n'est pas toujours la solution la moins chère, mais si nous évitons, pour des raisons purement démographiques et économiques, la pression sur l'Europe, non pas au Moyen-Orient mais Les pays africains vont se développer. [19 (F, f, q, f, f, f, q, f, f, q,
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