A child born without legs or arms is already walking and writing (VIDEO) – Bulgaria


For the first time in Bulgaria with prostheses of a child born without the feet and hands . Thus, Razgrad's Elya aged 10, became a girl who walked completely alone, writing and painting and doing things that were absolutely impossible for her until there was a few months. All this is from Professor of Biology and Prosthesis Evgeni Dyukendzhiev, NOVA reports.

10 years Elya Shadinova of Razgrad was born without upper and lower limbs . After a long family struggle, the deputy mayor of Razgrad offered a hand to help them – put them in touch with Professor of Biology and Prosthetics Evgeni Dukandjiev. He made the sophisticated prosthetics that no other doctor in our country and abroad did get done. So learned

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Elia how to walk with them. I'm very excited, now I can walk, I can write, I can do anything Everyone was surprised, "says the girl.
Elia likes to go to school, but her favorite subject is the Bulgarian language. That's why he wants to improve his writing. To do this, however, a more precise prosthesis must be provided to move the fingers, wrists, elbow

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" We will seek to ambad funds to make a more active prosthesis for the right half So I can move my fingers, my wrist, my elbow and write, "says the mother of the child.

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Medical Oscar for a young doctor through a single operation of a child [19659011] to a year and a half of his prostheses should be replaced by new ones for which the family will again ask for help.

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