Sequential protest against BVB, this time the duck producers


  photo of Sequential protestation against BSA, this time the producers of ducks

Photo: BG

Following protests of sheep and goat farmers, waterfowl producers in Bulgaria, are happy changes in a regulation of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency

Their professional organization announced that it provides for protest actions under the law if their demands are not met. This is a change to an NVS regulation that addresses measures to prevent, limit and eradicate the flu or bird flu.

There is no doubt about small ruminants in Bulgaria, there is no doubt about it, and the measures that have been taken by BCSA are consistent with …

On Friday in Rakovski, they voted a statement that they will file Monday at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The specific reason that angered them is the way of disinfection of ducks and colony, and the premises where they are raised, reports the correspondent of BGNES Plovdiv.
There are 260 dairy farms in the country, most of them located in the territory of Rakovski Municipality. It is a major livelihood for a large part of the region's population. Duck farmers also insist on the resignation of NVS executive director Dr. Damyan Iliev for failing to fulfill his official duties.

In April, the ducks were killed on their farms, the promise of compensation has not yet been paid.

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