The man who hit nine cars in the capital on Thursday drove for 24 years without a book, was announced in the case for his detention measure, currently being heard by the court district of Sofia, reports the BNT. Ivo Natsev says that he has never worked as a taxi driver and that the car has no documents for such activity
He announced that he had driven the car to repair when a right front tire broke and lost control of the car. According to witnesses the driver smelled of alcohol and barely held his feet. However, Netsov told the court that he was not drinking and was giving blood and urine, but the results are still not ready.
The Sofia District Court also deals with another case of the week. Daniel Yanev, 27, suffered damage to eight cars, attempting to escape police control Although in this case there are allegations of witnesses according to which the inmate smelled of alcohol, a sample of alcohol was not taken because he refused a blood sample and the prosecution did not ask in court to force him to be forced.
Prosecutor in the case Ivaylo Petrov said on television that in this situation, there is no way to increase the accusation of Yanev. I have to prove that he has a blood concentration of more than 1.2 per thousand which can not be said with his statement – I drank a beer or drank two beers " he says. (19659010)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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