Summer viruses roam at sea, experts reveal symptoms and how to protect them (VIDEO) – BLISTER


At the height of summer, doctor's offices are full. And the reason is the summer viruses that run along the coast of the Black Sea. According to the Health Inspection in Varna, more than 200 cases of colitis were recorded in the region for only 2 months. And respiratory diseases – about 400. In fact, they are many times more

What measures authorities and patients take

Summer, sun, beach, sea and … flu. An average of 5 times – so often in our year, we get sick because of infections.

The summer flu filled the doctor's office. Patients complain mostly of vomiting, gastrointestinal disorders and come to doctors at high temperatures

For 18 years, Dr. Dimitrova has been taking care of his patients. From the smallest to the largest

"We have unique cases of patients with complaints of diarrhea and vomiting, at least in my practice.In a conversation with colleagues with more children with practices and they say that these are unique cases, "Dr. Hristina Dimitrova, general practitioner, told Dr. Nova TV

Most doctors do not give samples for regional examinations. patient's medication. Others are self-repairing. That's why statistics are different from the picture of doctors' offices. Yet health authorities report fewer registered patients in June and July than at the same time last year

"We have no increase for Varna and the region as many diseases, but this situation is dynamic and can at any time "Dr. Ana Baeva, RHI, explained.

But doctors warn: Collars slip through contaminated water, food and utensils by the sea

"Very often, these diseases come from food that has been hot, in the sun, poorly washed hands of a seller in the store or the consumer, "explained Dr. Baeva.

About 90% of children's diseases come from bacteria. These are dirty hands infections, so hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds.

In other infections, the virus multiplies in the tonsils, so it hurts us

Prevention is the morning after breakfast to drink lemon juice

If we consumes poorly stored foods of animal origin, you can get salmonella without knowing it

Most summer infections last 5 to 7 days, but some persistent infections can last 10 days. Due to a high temperature of 39-40 degrees

At the height of the summer in Varna and Burgas open additional medical stations. Only in Varna, they are over 30. It is on a relatively small beach like that of the resort. "St. Konstantin and Helena."

"For the last 5 years we have not drowning.In other cases, it is common to have candles, glbades, of hypertension, someone got sick, the blood fell, "says Georgi Dimov of" St. Clementine. "

Under his care, the beachmen are calm, there is somebody there. one to help them need. [196590021] Our summer resorts have strengthened teams of doctors by the end of the season, and in August, we expect the rise of summer viruses occur

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