World | With $ 1 billion, MenStar will educate men about AIDS


British Prince Harry and pop star Elton John joined on Tuesday to announce a new $ 1 billion fund to work specifically at educating men about AIDS. Initiators believe men are "dangerously neglected" by the virus, which hampers efforts to defeat the disease that spread in the 1980s

The MenStar Fund will target men who are or are at risk of infection with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa

According to UNAIDS data, an estimated 36.7 million people worldwide were carriers of the virus in 2016. While 60% of women received some form of help and treatment, this proportion was less than 50% for men. In Bulgaria, in 2017, nine of the ten new cases of infection reported were men (199 men and 21 women)

"It's time for a global coalition to teach men how to protect themselves." said Elton John at the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam

MenStar's Coalition boldly treats the root of the problem – the lack of attention to HIV protection among youth communities Hard-to-reach men, "said Prince Harry

" If we want to put the actress Charlize Theron and Ndaba Mandela, grandson of the famous African leader in the struggle against apartheid, have also taken part in the forum

At the beginning of July, UNAIDS announced that deaths were decreasing, that the proportion of treated people was increasing start to withdraw from what was reached due to an increasing number of new cases of infection

MenStar is supported by the US Government's PEPSTAR program and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The funds seem impressive, but the UN warned on Wednesday that the AIDS funding gap was about $ 6 billion

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