We expect the Constitutional Court that it confirms our arguments and rejects the Istanbul Convention


July 26, 2018 | 19:54 | FOCUS News Agency

  Photo: Information Agency

  Dr. Borislav Tsekov: We expect the Constitutional Court that it confirms our arguments and rejects the Istanbul Convention Photo: FOCUS Information Agency

Sofia. On preliminary and not yet confirmed information, tomorrow the Constitutional Court will reject the Istanbul Convention by adopting my lawsuits and the Institute of Modern Politics legal arguments that we submitted two months ago as that party to the case. This was declared by the constitutionalist Dr. Borislav Tsekov before FOCUS . According to him, constitutional principles and values ​​will outweigh foreign pressures and political opportunism. In their opinion submitted to the CC and announced publicly in May at the request of the constitutional magistrates, Dr. Tsekov and the Institute for Modern Politics put forward several constitutional arguments, which should be respected by the CC. The opinion of the IMP states that the art. 3, b. "C" and art. 4, para. 3 of the Istanbul Convention with vague and contradictory notions violate the principle of legal certainty, which is an element of the rule of law proclaimed in the Preamble and Art. 4 CRB. The other violation is the art. 12 of the Convention, which states as an obligation and a goal for States Parties to eradicate "stereotyped gender roles" and art. 14 in its part on "non-stereotyped roles of bad" contradict Art. 32, para. 1, Art. 47, para. 1 and 2 of the Constitution and, more generally, the dignity of the personality as a superior value proclaimed in the preamble of the Constitution

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