Pitbulls ripped up their owner and injured another man – Bulgaria – Incidents


Pitbulli broke his owner and injured another man, reported NOVA

The incident occurred in the village of Sotirya in Sliven. After attacking and murdering his owner, Zhivko Dimitrov, 34, the seven dogs escaped

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Dimcho Georgiev, the mayor of the village, warned people not to leave their homes until the Pitbulls are found

who went to the store. The young man started to run away and they followed him and bit him

A friend of the pet owner claims that the Pitbulls are not seen fighting but for trading and non-aggressive

In a number of countries such as Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Portugal, Poland and others, dogs so-called fighting or dangerous breed are prohibited from breeding or a special diet. ] Follow us anywhere, anytime with the mobile app n You can download it from Google Play and AppStore

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