Tasks with diagrams and the Old Testament enter the Bulgarian language registration and literature after the 7th grade, it became clear yesterday. From the next school year, a graph, chart or map will be used in the data processing tasks in the national external evaluation instead of the text and the table only.
Grade 7 students will have to emphasize only. But next year, the mathematics literature will cover the material for the 6th year and then for the fifth year, which includes a biblical account of the beginning of the world, Mythological Model for the World, The Ugly Duck, The Prince and the Beggar, and The Little Prince
The next school year 2018/2019 ends the first grade, which is taught in entirely new programs in the 5th, 6th and 7th grades, and for these comes into force a national external evaluation , which will measure the knowledge gained over these three years, explained the chief of the Directorate of Education and Educational Programs These are two works by Dobri Chintulov – "Get up, get up, hero Balkans "and" Wind echi, Balkan stene ", which deal with the subject" Bulgarian in the world of renewal ". Two texts by Aleko Konstantinov have been replaced – instead of "Niagara" from "To Chicago and back", the exhibition "Chicago" and "Bai Ganyo travel" instead of "Bay Ganyu to Irechek" will be studied
Suggested changes include lightening content in Bulgarian, as there will be no more tasks checking the engagement and the type of verb, the types of subordinate sentences, the phraseological combinations and parody. Indeed, with the new curricula, they will now enter the equipment for the 8th and 9th years. The last task for seventh graders remains the same: a story of transformation with a didactic task on a strange text that could be a Bulgarian or a foreign author. The Ministry of Education and Science explained that this decision was taken after discussions with teachers who did not know how to ask for a transformative or concise account
. The duration of the examination and the number of questions next year are maintained. The external evaluation will include 18 tasks that have a structured response with 4 possible answers, 6 with a short answer, 1 with a free extension and one with a text extension
The changes listed here only affect Students who will now be 7th grade, each year, the experts will determine which knowledge to check based on the results of the previous one. For example, this year's "character of a hero" will not be included because it comes from 6th grade literary content. It is possible, however, to be among the mathematical issues for Grade 6 material, which includes works such as "Lovely you, my forest" by Lyuben Karavelov, "Kosachi" by Elin Pelin, "The Performance" of Vazov's "Under Yoke", the prince of Mark Twain and the poor, geography lesson of the autobiography of Branislav Nusic, the exquisite prince of Little
For children who go now start the fifth year, the material for the Bulgarian exam and language and literature after the seventh year cover the three years. Thus, apart from the works mentioned above, they will have to recall the ancient Greek myths about the origin of the gods, which recall Peter Kardzhilov, the legend "Lord and the devil make the world", the magical tale "The Three Brothers and the Golden Apple "Haidouti" of Botev, etc., to which the acquisition of more skills is envisaged
Besides the external evaluation in Bulgarian language and literature, there will also be changes in mathematics, extended-response tasks are 2 to 3, and the additional task will be decided in advance
The tasks that have been answered up to now are reduced from six to five, while those with a choice of 17 to 16 so far.The duration remains the same since students will again be able to use a parchment with formulas for their convenience.From the study material, an equation linear-parametric and linear inequalities-p arameters are removed and there will be no tasks to find trapezoidal elements already taught in grade 8.
Grade 7 students will study by the end of June
Beginning the following year, grade 7 students will follow their courses until June 28 instead of the middle of the year. of the month. It is during this period that the national external student evaluations will take place on June 17 in Bulgarian language and literature and June 19 in mathematics.
According to some parents, high temperatures in June may interfere with the good performance of their children. An inspection conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science revealed that even though most schools do not have air conditioners, the mercury reaches 22 to 23 degrees at this time of year. "Examinations in mid-June or soon after are not new to the Bulgarian system," Minister of Education Krbadimir Valtchev said yesterday. He added that this would not lead to an extension of the admission program after the 7th year.
About future trips of students, Vulchev commented that children will have two big holidays – spring and winter, as well as two small – autumn and winter Term In addition to them, there will be weekends during the holidays and the elections of the European Parliament. It is also possible to designate January 2nd as a day off, but this should be done at the expense of another day off, and this will probably be long term, said the Minister of Education.
Record the HVO badessments in the diploma
The results of the national external evaluation of the pupils will be included in the certificates for primary education completed because they will already mark the end of the phase of education. Estimates of the matrices can no longer be entered because they will not be oriented towards the results of the school year, explained yesterday the Ministry of Education.
In addition, from the next school year, exams will begin at 9:00 am and not at 10:00 am The reason for this is that they will be held at a different date than that of the twelfth grade exams [19659017] var aisdimasod = false;
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