A poorly known sexual infection can become a super-bacterium – World


A little known badually transmitted infection can become the next super-bacterium.

Mycoplasma badium infection often shows no symptoms. But it can be extremely dangerous and make women futile, reports the BBC

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Mycoplasma badium can cause inflammation of the urethra in men, causing painful urination

In women, however, it often causes inflammation of the reproductive organs – the uterus and fallopian tubes causing pain, sometimes fever and bleeding

The bacterium is transmitted badually and condoms can prevent its spread

Initially, it was identified in the United Kingdom United in the 1980s of the twentieth century

The disease does not always have symptoms and does not always require treatment, but can be omitted or confused with other badually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia

The treatment is with antibiotics, but studies show that in about 40% then where bacteria grow rezistetnost.

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