An antioxidant that can kill cancer cells – BLITZ


Resveratrol antioxidant, which is characteristic of grapes, blueberries and peanuts, in addition to purifying the body of harmful substances, has a host of other health benefits. Brazilian researchers have found that resveratrol in red wine prevents cancer by stopping the protein formation characteristic of 50% of tumors, writes Daily Mail.

How much red wine a person needs to drink to achieve this effect is not clear.

Scientists from the University of Rio de Janeiro have badyzed the effect of resveratrol on the p53 protein. It usually suppresses the development of tumors by killing cancer cells. When it is mutated, however, it forms clumps that feed the disease. The difference between drugs and poison is in the dose

The results show that the antioxidant stops the protein aggregation as well as the multiplication and spread of cancer cells

What is Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a polyphenol phytoalexin. It's a natural compound found in red grapes, some herbs, blueberries and even peanuts. It is thought that it cures diabetes 2, prolongs life and even stops cancer

The natural way to provide resveratrol is to eat the foods that it contains and / or consume young red wines

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