An investigation into Italy revealed a regime of Bulgarian Roma with manpower – World


The Bulgarian Roma conquered their territory in the heart of Naples, where they use the workforce for 75 cents of the hour. They have developed a channel for Bulgarian workers

Roma who earn more than Bulgaria have succeeded in removing Africans from the labor market.

A special investigation commissioned by the largest Apennine union puts the case on the agenda and launched investigations on the media and the Italian authorities

This is Mondragonne in the south of Italy, a city, which is famous for many criminal chronicles related to the Bulgarians.

One of the neighborhoods of the city is conquered by Bulgarian Roma, and the police almost do not approach, said on the occasion of Hello, in Bulgaria the Italian correspondent Antoaneta Nikolova

Bulgarian wounded in the murder of a mafia in Italy

continued to command the Bulgarian Roma, who, in agreement with the heads of two clans of the Italian mafia, direct the 39, Work Exchange

Bulgarian Roma are offered daily on the Black Labor Exchange. A Roma family earns just as much as an Italian a day, with a salary ranging from 75 to 4 euros. The fees of a broker must also be paid. The traffic is very well organized. Roma come twice a year for spring and autumn harvests, she explained.

Nikolova recalled that Mondragone was also famous for two other cases:

"First, selling fake pbadports to people seeking (19659002) Praise from the Italian police: we squeezed the Bulgarians with the data of thousands

Not a new phenomenon of the Bulgarian mafia in the mafia, summarizes the situation of the correspondent.

After the immigrants Salvini the Roma in Italy

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