And now, take an umbrella! – Shumen


Today, before noon, in most places, temporary rain and cloud breaks will occur. In the afternoon and until midnight still in many places in the country there will be short – term rainfall and thunder. In some areas, precipitation will be intense, hail is possible. It will blow to a moderate, northeastern Bulgaria and a strong northwesterly temp wind. The maximum temperatures will be between 24 ° and 29 °

Above the mountains, the cloud will be more common. In many places, mainly in the afternoon, there will be precipitation and thunderstorms. It will blow at a moderate north wind. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters will be about 18 °, at 2000 meters – about 12 °

On the Black Sea, the cloud will be mainly significant and in many places, mainly in the north. in the afternoon, there will be rain and thunder. It will blow to temperate, along the north coast and a strong northwesterly wind. The maximum temperatures will be 25 ° -28 °. The temperature of the sea water is 25 ° -26 °.

Detailed information on the weather today and forecasts for the next ten days see

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