Another torrent in Teteven killed a man


A man died in Teteven after a heavy rain, reported Nova.

He went fishing with a friend . However, the waters of the flooded Vit River have dragged on.

Monday there were about 25-30 l / m2 for only a few hours

For hours the main road to Yablanitsa and the connection with the village of Cherni Vit were closed.

There are dozens of buildings under water.

We recall that earlier today, after a meeting of the seat of the municipality and an order of the mayor of the municipality of Teteven, canceled the disastrous situation on the territory of the municipality of Teteven announced on July 24th.

The situation in the affected areas is normalized, [19459004therearenopeopleindistress. repaired all water lines . There are no houses and sites flooded right now. The fire department responded to 37 signals

For the upcoming emergency restoration activities the municipality described damages amounting to 6,130,000 BGN . The sum is not definitive because the consequences of the floods leading to the damage of the infrastructure objects are now registered

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