Assumption of St. Anne. St. Deaconess Olympiad and Evraxia Virgin


The Church celebrates the world of Anna several times a year:
on September 8 and 9, when we celebrate the birth of the Most Blessed Mother and commemorate her parents – Saint John- Baptiste. Ioakim and Anna,
on December 9, when we celebrate the Congregation of the Blessed Mother of God of St. Anne
and on July 25, the day of her death

Deaconess Olympiad and Evraxia virgin [19659002ThebirthplaceoftheOlympicGamesnamedinhonorofhismotherwasTsarigradwherehisfamousandnotoriousparentslivedHisfatherAnissiSecundwasoneofthemosthonorablesenatorsandhismotherwasthedaughterofthefamousEublavieparchwhoismentionedinthemiraclestoryofChristtheLadyNicholasandwhowasthefirstmanafterthekingunderthereignofConstantinetheGreatOlympiathedaughterofEvlaviuswasfirstbetrothedtotheyoungestsonofConstantineConstantiuswhoafterhisfatherreignedinancientRome;buthewasmurderedbeforethemarriageandshewasgiventoArmeniankingArsacwithwhomshelivedalittleandwidowedthenOlympiasmarriedthesaidSenatorAnisiSecundandgavebirthtotheOlympicGameswhichbeforeitsmaturityhisparentshavebetrayedthenobleyouththesonofEparchusNeurydea;butthemarriageitselfwaspostponedTwentymonthspbadedandthefiancediedandtheOlympiadwasavirginandwidowatthesametime;shedidnotwanttomarryanotherbutshewantedtoliveinvirginityandchastityallherlife

After the death of her parents, Olympia remained an heir of great wealth and innumerable homes; all this was devoted to God and began to give a generous hand to the needy: churches, monasteries, wilderness, hospitals, shelters for the poor and foreigners, orphans and widows, and for the needy; she has sent a generous gratitude to those who have been imprisoned and sent into exile; and his generosity is widespread in many places. She herself constantly prayed and despised, killing her body and submitting it to the spirit.
At that time was reigning Theodosius the Great, the father of Arkady and Honorius; he had a relative named Elpidius, for whom he wanted to marry the blessed Olympiad because she was young and beautiful, but she did not mind it. The king turned to her with requests, trying to make her marry Elpidi, but she did not agree, although they threatened her, and they knew that the king was angry. She sent the following answer to the king:
– Master! If God wanted me to be married, he would not have taken my first man; but because he knew that I would not be useful to get married in this life, he released my husband from a life with me, but he saved me from the serious yoke of the power of the man, and put my good in my thoughts
The king irritated and ordered the mayor to take away all his belongings and to keep them until the age thirty years old. The magistrate, less to the order of the king, than the slanders of Elpidi, offended her so much, and worried that she not only about her property but also about she herself had no authority: he did not allow her to speak with pious saints, nor even visiting a church, hoping that she would be sad about her marriage, but Olympia rejoiced and thanked God. After a while, she wrote to the king that:
"You, blasphemer, you gave me royal mercy and treated as a true bishop, ordering another to take care of My burden, which I have taken care of, you will do more for me if you order your cleric to give all my property to the churches, the poor and the needy to avoid vain glory by giving it alone, and then I will not neglect my true carefree wealth, the king read his letter and, thinking of her, allowed her to dispose of her property once more: she had had enough to hear about her virtuous and pious life, her extraordinary abstinence, and the cruel murder She did not eat meat, she was not bathed, if the need to wash herself because of illness, she sat down in a lukewarm bath, dressed in a shirt without undressing because she had ashamed not only of her maids, but she also did not want to see her naked body
Because of her chaste and honest life, the Olympics, whose virtues were wonderful and the saints, were taken to the church and placed for the deaconess by the holy patriarch Nectarius. And she served the Lord honestly and justly with other deacons, such as the Gospel of the world, Anna, who "did not separate from the temple, serving God with fasting and prayer day and night." The life of the Olympiad was so impeccable that even the enemies found nothing to merit reproach: the ferocity of St. John Chrysostom, who was a patriarch after Nectarius, was also hostile to the rabbis of this innocent Christ, and especially to the patriarch Theophil of Alexandria: he was angry at her for he agreed to expel the monks of the Egyptian desert (which are told in detail about the life of Saint Zlatius), when they came to Constantinople and fed them for Christ's sake. He welcomed and cared for foreigners, monks and bishops who came to the city, He had been hostile to her for the monks and St. John Chrysostom, and tried to dishonor her with unjust accusations, but no one he believed in evil The glory of this true servant of Christ has spread in all the churches; she acted as the Evangelical Samaritan who had brought to his animal the man who had been wounded by thieves and was not paying attention to all the pbaders-by, took him to the inn and to she rehabilitated herself: she gave shelter to all those who had no shelter; she diligently occupied the poor and the sick, tormented by the ulcers abandoned in the street and left by all, and totally devoted to the work of mercy. How much gold and money he gave for good works, clothes and daily food for the poor, it is not possible to talk. It has also greatly helped the great saints who came to Constantinople in their own actions, satisfying their needs in every way. Thus, she came to her aid with her possessions, sacrificing much gold, silver, and church ornaments, to St Amphilochius, Iconian Bishop, and Onisim Pontius (and earlier to Gregory the theologian, patriarch of Constantinople before Constantinople) and Peter Sebastian, brother of Basil the Great and Epiphany of Cyprus. Optim, he died in Constantinople, closed his eyes with his own hands. It did good not only to holy and virtuous people, but also to rebels and enemies, such as Antioch, Bishop Ptolemy, Acak of Veria, Severian Gavallian, and others like them. . She was immoral and gave everything to God, so that her possessions did not consider her own, but those of God. St. John Chrysostom respected her as the great savior of God and loved her with a spiritual love, as the ancient Apostle Paul, Perseus wrote: "Greet the beloved Perseus who is truly for the Lord. "And the World Olympiad has none the less (19459004) When the innocent Saint John Chrysostom, unjustly brought back from the throne, the Blessed Olympiad wept bitterly with the other deacons, and for the last time, coming out of the church, come in a baptism called the blessed Olympiad, with the deacons of Pentadie, Proklya and Salvina, a virtuous widow, and told them,
"Come, my children and listen to me. " What is done against me has ended. I have finished my work and I think you will not see me anymore, so please do not leave the church because of the bishop that they will put to my place, under duress or with the general council but obey him as you obey John: the church can not be without a bishop. In order that the mercy of God be with you, mention me in your prayers!
They burst into tears, knelt before him, and the saint departed for exile.
After his expulsion, he lit the church cathedral; and a large part of the city burned; so all the innocent supporters of Saint John were questioned by the mayor about this fire: they were supposed to have lit the church; then the Olympics, as if to blame the fire; put her in front of the court and interrogated her harshly (the boss was cruel and heartless). Although he was not found guilty, he unfairly ordered the Olympics to pay a large amount of gold to burn, which he was not responsible for
. Then the saint left Tsarigrad and went to Kizik; but her enemies did not leave her alone; condemning her to exile and exhorting her to Nicomedia; Knowing this, St. John Chrysostom wrote him a message from the place where she had been exiled, comforting her in her sorrow. Having spent much time in exile and suffering much pain, the blessed woman stood in the Lord. After his death, when his honest body was not yet buried, the saint appeared in a dream to the bishop of Nicomedia and said:
Put my body in a wooden casket and the throw in the sea; where the waves eject it, to be buried there.

The bishop did it. The waves ejected the coffin on the ground in a place near Tsarigrad, called Vrochty, where was the church of St. Apostle Thomas. The inhabitants have been proclaimed by God as the body of the Olympic Games; they came to the shore, found the ark and put it in the church of the apostle. And he was cured of all kinds of diseases. After many years, this place was attacked by barbarians who set fire to the church, and the holy relics were left untouched by fire, although the coffin burned, thrown into the sea; and at the place where they threw them, the water became bloody, so God proclaimed the suffering of His servant. But miraculous relics were taken from the sea by the faithful. Having learned this, the patriarch of Constantinople, Sergius, charged the priest John to bring them with honor to Constantinople. When the priest came to the place and raised the holy relics, a lot of blood flowed to them: and they were all astonished that after two hundred years of dry bones, the blood was flowing away. 39, a living body. Thus, the holy and miraculous relics were transferred to the reigning city and deposited in the Gentile Monastery founded by the world of the Olympic Games; from his holy relics there were many miracles: all kinds of diseases were healed and the gods were driven out of the prayers of the Olympus of the world and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom the Father and the Lord were able. Spirit are honor and glory, now and forever and forever. Amen.

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