Blood donors are wanted for a young doctor from Vratsa who fell from the 7th floor in Lyulin


Ирена Иванова Photo: Facebook

Emergency researchers of rare blood group 0 Rh (-) needed to save the life of a young doctor from Vratsa, BulNews .bg

On Friday evening, in irrelevant circumstances, Irena Evgenieva Ivanova fell from the 7th floor of block 302 in the residential area "Lyulin" 3 in Sofia. The victim was immediately transported to Pirogov in an extremely serious condition where she was fighting for her life

"The ambulance arrived literally at the third minute after the alert.The woman is in a very bad state but it is a fact that everything has been done to stabilize her vital signs and she was taken to Pirogov, "said emergency spokeswoman Katya Sungarska

. call his facebook facebook people with this blood group to donate blood to the blood transfusion center, which is right next to Pirogov. It is clear at this point that the condition of the young doctor is critical, and so his relatives are asking people to help save her. It is not yet clear how and why the accident happened. and if it is a suicide or an incident [19659007] (function (d, s, id) {
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