Borisov stopped permission of ministers, private companies Pugat for acts of jiggit


24 hours

Borisov ends ministerial leave

Ministers are in line with Rumyana Bachvarova, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov's political cabinet chief, after the government meeting yesterday. (19659004)

The calendar was imposed due to the order of Borisov every Wednesday of August in Sofia to have enough ministers to hold a meeting


Curtis in the block only with permission from the neighbors

A new regulation on public order will regulate the noise in Sofia. It is expected that the text will be voted on July 26 by the Sofia City Council. The ordinance prohibits noisy construction work from 22:00 in the evening until 8:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00. These activities are allowed during the weekend, but only in the regulated hours and after authorization of the mayor regional level. The same prohibition is introduced for home repairs, and on weekends they can only be done with the permission of the neighbors. "Affected neighbors can call 112 or the phone to receive signals from the Sofia Inspection," said the chairman of the Public Order and Security Commission of Sofia City Council, Ivan Iliev, in front of Trud


private enterprises for tripping acts

Private enterprises will be controlled for employees who have unpaid acts against the traffic police and many offenses, but are nevertheless named as a "pilot". Such a suggestion was made after a meeting between several ministries of the Ministry of the Interior, taught "Monitor"

The reason for the heavier measures that are still under study is the great road trauma during working time as well as on the way to work


Borisov in Thessaloniki: Have a memory, become something good in the Balkans

It is very important to have memory when something good is done in the Balkans because we usually hate it. I am pleased that our colleagues have said that we had a Balkan presidency.

This is what Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said at a press conference after the meeting in Thessaloniki with Alexander Vucic, Alexis Tsipras and Viorica Dunchila

We can very well insist on accepting Serbia, but we must meet certain criteria Borisov withdrew the increase in excise duty on smokeless cigarettes

From Thessaloniki, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov announced that GERB withdrew the bill proposing significantly increased excise duties on smokeless cigarettes. To reporters, he accused his partners in the VMRO coalition of not thinking about the budget and calling it "huge and yellow" criticism that the amendments to the law serve business interests. "Everyone is talking about reforms in Bulgaria, and right now we decide to do something for society and suddenly start" Who, his mother, his aunt, "Borisov was angry

According to Borisov, with the refusal of Introduce "make a gift" changes to cigarette giant Philip Morris. "The presidency is over, I will not be GERB anymore to become a tango who does not have work in the morning to go out. "1965-19003] Peevsky's Media Law and the Movement for Rights and Freedoms Supported by GERB and Patriots

Amendments to the Law on the Mandatory Deposit of Printed and Other Works by Movement Members for Rights and Freedoms (DPS), including Delyan Peevski, had their first reading in the National Assembly with the support of GERB and the Patriots.But representatives of the BSP voted against and abstained.A total of 92 deputies were for the amendments 12 – against, and 28 abstained – among them seven people in the group Alexandru Simov, Toma Tomov, Elena Yoncheva, Tazko Ermenkov, Stoyan Mirchev, Rumen Gechev, Peter Vitanov, Milko Nedyalkov and d 39 others of the left voted categorically against the law


Lobism for Peev Grill The government coalition disagreed and disagreed once more after the proposal of the GERB and the OP to increase the excise duty on smokeless cigarettes. "VMRO has accused the NFSA of acting behind them and saying that they would not support it." The badumption is that this is the support for the cigarette trade of MRF MP Delyan Peevsky. Late yesterday, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said that he had ordered the withdrawal of excise.

Meanwhile, a vote was held in plenary session of Peevsky's media law, which spent five months in the National Assembly.Although it has not been discussed in any committee, the majority adopted it at first reading.Only the Socialists voted against it.C & # 39; 39, is the next step towards the degradation of the state, said MP Anton Kutev

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