BSP considered the EU Presidency "a beautiful empty package" (OBZOR)


July 11, 2018 | 00:44 | FOCUS News Agency

  Photo: BSPBP evaluates the EU presidency as

  BSP evaluates the European presidency as a Photo: BSP

. The PASB gave an badessment to the Bulgarian Presidency of the 2018 EU Council. The badessment was prepared by a team at the National Party Council and approved at a meeting of the Bureau BSP Executive, after which the leaders gave a press conference. PASB President Cornelia Ninova said the presidency was "a good low-content organization". She noted that 72 protests took place during the presidency and commented that there has never been such a protest vote in our recent history as during the presidency. According to her, it's the real evaluation for him. Ninova said that the Cabinet had failed to achieve the institutional unity. Regarding the Western Balkans, which was a priority for our country during the presidency, the BSP leader criticized the cabinet that the words "inclusion and accession" were removed from the Sofia declaration. According to her, unfortunately, the European future in the Balkans remained wishful thinking, Nina pointed out that the government has got nothing in terms of Dublin and Schengen agreement, nor priorities: the three "k": consensus, competitiveness and cohesion. For the priority consensus, Ninova said that the EU was not more divided than during the Bulgarian presidency. "Instead of consensus and unanimity, there were additional differences and divisions between the different states on different axes, Western Europe against Europe's backdrop," he said. East, large and small There has been a controversy within a government between separate parties, ministers, you know what happened in Germany Bulgaria could not to be the leader to ensure consent and consensus, "said Ninova.
For the priority of competitiveness, the BSP leader commented that during the presidency there were clear examples of how to kill competitiveness. "For example, the discussion and the proposals for reducing subsidies for agricultural policy place Bulgarian and not only Bulgarian farmers in an extremely uncompetitive environment," said the BSP leader and added his example with the Macron package
Regarding the priority of cohesion, Ninova explained that the big problem of our common family home "Europe" lies in the differences between the Member States. She noted that in the future European budget cohesion should be reduced overall for Europe. "The Bulgarian presidency has failed to protect cohesion policy," Ninova said.
According to her, the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) showed the alternative of the European presidency by emphasizing that its party leader had made the only meeting during the European presidency, where the legislative and executive power was united. Ninova refers to the meeting under the direction of BSP and Christian Vigenin – COSAC. In his words, the alternative of the presidency is to have a vision of what you want to be Europe and seek allies. "We would have no position" We are the president of the EU and we have no right to express our opinion because we are in balance. "We would not do We would have a position on all subjects, "she said.
In an interview with FOCUS News Agency, Bulgaria's EU Presidency Minister, Lilyana Pavlova, reacted to BSP's criticism by saying that the party had once again used its old tactics to attack policies and successes of the Bulgarian government. the achievements of Bulgaria without realizing the priorities of the program of the Bulgarian presidency
According to Pavlova, the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) has used the Bulgarian presidency to give its leaders the impression of an active and constructive opposition. The minister said that the main objective of the BSP is to discredit the government, both with protests and with confidence motions planned and without arguments. "It's not that there are no problems in the state, but they are solved with actions, with dialogue, not with speculative statements and actions of public relations, "Pavlova said. In his words, all burglaries and attacks are the result of political malice and envy. The BSP has no constructive proposals or vision but only a fierce power struggle at all costs.
The minister commented that Bulgaria and the government have received great praise and support, but the opposition instead of taking advantage of the name of Bulgaria, the only one that tries to minimize and bring down success. Liliana Pavlova said that today Europe is more consensual, Bulgaria is more competitive and our country will receive an increase in cohesion policy funds and migration funds, digital transformation through to the efforts of the government

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