BSP: Kumgate alert goes to special prosecutions, investigation of senior officials – Bulgaria


At the end of 2017, we sent documents to the prosecutor's office on the Kumgate scandal. Today we have received a letter indicating that the file is being handed over to the specialized prosecutor's office, which deals with the crimes of senior officials

This was explained to the journalists in parliament by the spokesman of the group BSP parliamentary Elena Yoncheva

that it is not only Kumgate, but the suspicion of a crime that will be investigated by the Prosecutor's Office

. "The very fact that the documents are sent there means that senior officials will be investigated." There are enough facts that the

"These documents contain reasonable suspicions that crimes were committed in the municipality of Haskovo, a group of public markets, called "Dream Time" by the president of GERB district of Haskovo, said the spokesman of the BSP. ] The saga began with accusations against GERB MP Delyan Dobrev. In response to Yoncheva's statement today, he pointed out:

"There is no false news from Elena Yoncheva, and I have the feeling that I'm not sure about it. she is the greatest specialist in false news, that's what I think. " Delyan Dobrev explained that in her case against Elena Yoncheva there are 16 cases in which she accused him and already became 17.

GERB: Yoncheva has an affair with Cvetan Vasilev. Tsvetan Vbadilev.Tya: Defamation

"I filed a complaint against Elena Yoncheva months ago." There are 16 different cases in which she blamed me, not to mention the 39, invasion, and I'm not sure if the statement today is not a wish, it will be verified by the lawyers. "

he adds that it 's This is the 17th claim against her, he said.

There has been tension between them since the autumn of last year when Yoncheva announced that it was not the case. a plan in Haskovo served friends and relatives of Dobrev

In the public space, the scandal became known as Kumgate.

Yoncheva: Suzhougate is a children's tale, a comparison fr.jpg

The BSP resigned from his mayor in Haskovo, Yoncheva: The cause was the couples and friends of Delyan Dobrev

The BSP asked the resignation of the deputy of GERB for the fact that in the municipality of Has kovo

Then, in response, Delyan Dobrev asks if Elena Yoncheva executed an order of three businessmen in Haskovo for his disrepute, and if he is a servant of Bulgarian and foreign services. Elena Yoncheva denied her allegations

However, Parliament refused to accept Dobrev's resignation after a two-hour debate in a room.

CS: The decision to reject the resignation of Delyan Dobrev is unconstitutional

After GERB, a "rain" of resignations in the municipality of Haskovo

BSP removes all bureaucracy GERB for a week

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