Bulgaria celebrated 181 years since the birth of Vasil Levski (OBZOR)


July 19, 2018 | 01:02 | FOCUS News Agency

  Photo: Information Agency

   Bulgaria celebrated the 181st anniversary of the birth of Vasil Levski (OBZOR) Photo: FOCUS Information Agency

Karlovo. 18th anniversary of the birth of the apostle of freedom Vasil Levski was celebrated on July 18th. He was born in the city of Karlovo into a very poor family. From a young age, he must become the head of his house after the death of his father. Very young, he crossed the threshold of the monastery and became deacon Ignatius, but then left. Enough in Belgrade where Rakovsky prepares young men of the First Bulgarian Legion. There, Vbadil stands out with all his extraordinary physical and intellectual abilities
Vasil Levski, the apostle of freedom, became one of the ideologues of the Bulgarian national revolution. His great work was the creation of the Internal Revolutionary Organization.
He was betrayed in the winter of 1872. He was captured in Kakrinsko's hip near Lovech. He was tried in Sofia. He was raped on February 19, 1873.
A number of events took place around the year in the country
The culmination of the celebrations was in Karlovo. The solemn program began with the world liturgy, served by his reverence Father Marco Todorov at the temple "St. Nicholas". After the prayer in the temple, the Mayor of Karlovo, Dr. Emil Kabaivanov, Vice President Veska Nencheva, the Chairman of the City Council of Karlovo Teodor Shoylekov, the Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Lovech Daniel Kolev, Professor Ivan Gavrilov – winner of the 2015 Karlovo Prize, city councilors, senior soldiers, residents and guests of Karlovo presented flowers in front of the tomb of the mother of the apostle – Gina Kuncheva. With a solemn procession, accompanied by the windmill of the 61st Mechanized Brigade of Stryam, they all headed for the square of July 20, where were erected the flags of the Republic of Bulgaria and Karlovo.
"… The cause of Bulgaria and our city can only be the cause of one person.This is the cause and energy of thousands.To the thousands of Cartels and the millions of Bulgarians, we are going to bear the challenge of time, because this land, which has heroes like Levski, is blessed Bulgaria is blessed because Levski is Karlovo because Levski is Bulgaria Happy holidays of dear fellow citizens said Emil Kabaivanov in his solemn speech, after which he honored all the leaders of the 11 rays with a special honorary degree for their participation in the national tourism campaign "In the footsteps of Vasil Levski." The celebration of the 181st anniversary of the birth of Vasil Levski and the celebration of the city of Karlovo ended with a solemn gathering on the square "Vasil Levski" in Karlovo

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