Bulgarians join forces to keep their children in Norway


Cvetelina Oland, whom she tries to help, is still not able to hear her son and daughter on her phone

Bulgarian parents living in Norway, are united for do not take the social services of their children. They helped with advice and yesterday gave a general press conference to tell their personal stories.




] in conversations of Norwegian services with Bulgarian children

Bulgaria also requested the presence of hearings , the notification of consular services on child protection measures, means of access and communication with children in a foster family or institution, taking measures to preserve the native January language of the child, as well as potential access by parents with whom the child has and has close ties. This is a Norwegian-Bulgarian-Norwegian consultation in Oslo, said Foreign Affairs

The Norwegian Child Protection Service "Barnevalyn" even operates with anonymous signals. Social workers interfere not only with the suspicion of violence, but even

if neighbors


of a loud cry

or bad attitudes and # 39; education. Every year, more than 15,000 children are removed from their homes. Some of the foster parents have turned this into a money laundering facility. They are housed in larger houses and accommodate 3, 4 or 5 children. A foster family could move

6,000 euros by

month for a


explains Valentin Zhelev, who is the administrator of the Bulgarian community on Facebook. She was adamant that they would not only fight for Bulgarians' children but also "free all children from private prisons for expensive Norwegian children."

Children's abduction stories began to be heard aloud after the Tsvetelina Bulgarian Hollande, tears in their eyes, announced last month. She has not seen her son and daughter since April 25 or heard them on the phone. There is no entitlement until the end of the year. "At this moment

I have no idea

how are they, where are they and

how are they looking at

my children,"

said yesterday Tsvetelina weeping.

She was married to a Norwegian. After the divorce, the children take their children because the psychologist who observed them in the divorce case noticed that they were more affectionate towards the mother. The Bureau decided that she could easily handle them and get them out of the country. The motivation of the social is that the mother has a greater intellectual capacity.

They made 15 surprise checks at the family home. "It made them feel bad that my kids are well educated.On one of my visits, my daughter made two waffles on the way, but that also made them a bad impression," Tsvetelina said. [19659003] His son Andreas and his daughter Selina were separated 200 kilometers from each other.At first Tsvetelina saw them once a week.At one of the meetings, the girl took the diary of a mother.


Have a [19659002] I like you! "

She showed the diary of the Child, but they did not take it into account. Now the boy has returned to his father, his sister is still with the adoptive parents, and Tsvetelina is waiting for a trial. "I'm afraid that just setting a date, considering the case again takes a lot of time, and I have no idea how the kids are," she said.

The Bulgarian consul in Oslo wants to see the children, let him allow him, he does not lose hope Tsvetelina.

The main goal of Tsvetelina is to take back children because they are not taken away because she is a bad parent, but simply because she is Bulgarian, has said Angela Schwartz, executive director of the foundation of Academician Alexander Balkanski, a close friend of Tsvetelina

She explains that Holland does not see her children, the question is to create a comfortable communication environment. There is no problem 10 days for children to be with him, under certain conditions, and 20 days in Tsveti, but they must stay with her,


speak to [19659010] Bulgarian, 19659004] to practice sport and rhythmic gymnastics, to come to Bulgaria and see their grandmother and grandfather, as well as their friends here, says Schwartz

Children are wonderful, they have a bright future and are currently being kidnapped because they probably can not cope with their interests and abilities in gymnastics, Schwarz says.

According to a report cape child tells how the social house beat. And even did not know Norwegian to talk to them

"You are not the one who can tell me how to educate my child." These words of Dimitar Jelev to the pedagogue in the children's garden trigger the check-up of Barnevern

This was a revenge for me, the Bulgarian professor of arts in Norway is categorical

In the social documents, he has been told that the mother beats him, he insults and hears phones. But, according to Zhelev, the child did not even know Norwegian to "say" that. The consequences are an badessment, a survey and a training course for good parents.

"In Barnevern, they make clbadifications on the quality of a family – for example, if your home is yours, you are a good parent. If you rent, you are not, he says. They also examined whether the family had a good income and whether the parents were separated. Social workers, however, did not note if they liked the love for their child

Dimitar gives another example – according to the services, a child, even if he lived with his parents for only 10 years, could quickly adapt to a family home. But if a child was to be removed from the adoptive parents, the plate turned – they began to testify that he was used to the new family.

For years, Father investigated why the agency does this activity without anyone controlling it. After placing these children in foster homes, the structure no longer observed what was happening with them

Nadezhda fled to Bulgaria to save her two daughters [19659003] Nadezhda Petkova managed to save her two daughters back to Bulgaria after seven years in Norway. She receives a threat from neighbors who owe her money. "My husband and I looked at each other and said we would not sit down for money and put our children at risk," she said. Now, from time to time, he trembles in the case of Tzvetelina. He advises Bulgarians to be interested in the laws before emigrating to Norway. "They can take your child because, for example, he has unsolicited teeth," says Petkova. She was adamant that she had gone through hell but that she had still escaped the worst of taking her children.

Andriana Baeva went to Norway on her 21st birthday, where she met her father's father a year later. The first social visit is when she is pregnant in the seventh month. The reason is that her husband's sister is suicidal. The social workers urge Andriana to stop communicating with her child's father, but she refuses. Two days before his date of birth is scheduled to meet again with the social, but because of the hormones Ady forgets to go. Barnevarn, however, says it's irresponsible. A month after giving birth to his daughter, the social came to a sudden check. She divorces her child's father for controversy and begins a new two-month observation. Adi convinces her husband to sign a temporary pbadport for the child and returns to Bulgaria to save him

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