Bulgarians of Roma origin – mafia-controlled labor in the south of Italy


  photo of Bulgarians of Roma origin - mafia-controlled labor force in southern Italy

Photo: iStock

Between 50 and 75 cents per hour – c & # 39 is the salary that Roma children of Roma origin work on the ground in southern Italy. This shows data from an extensive survey of mafia in agriculture in southern Italy. It was prepared by the badociation "Placido Rizoto" on behalf of the union Qi El-Flei, 24 hours a day.

According to the survey, Roma from Bulgaria replaced young workers from Senegal and from Ghana, which until recently were the main work force in the field, extending between Djulyano, Castel Volturno and Mondragone in Campania (center of Naples). This has been a fact for about 5 years.

Whoever wants to go back to work must first of all observe a rule: keep quiet! That's what Pasquale Campanile, union secretary of the city of Caserta. According to him, the Bulgarian Roma community is extremely closed and does not allow access to it. It is because of their loyalty that Bulgarian Roma are rewarded with higher wages than Africans. Adults usually receive 2 euros per hour, and women are half. Minors, who represent 4% of the Bulgarian workforce in the field, receive wages of less than 1 euro.
In the 28 thousandth city of Mondragone, there are about 500 to 600 Roma who are not permanent residents. They come from Bulgaria between May and June. In September, around 1000-1200 came. They alternate in shifts, each for no more than three months. And they are there because they earn 5 to 7 times more money than they would have done in Bulgaria.

In the region, which was under the control of the mafia clan Kazalezii, Bulgarian crime now dominates. The Italian mafia left vast gaps in its power without control, so they are now occupied by indigenous Roma criminal groups. They manage the distribution of the workforce. There are only 4-5 bosses in the zone. True bosses control traffic from Bulgaria.

According to the study, the trip by bus or minibus to Mondragone costs 100 euros per person. Once in Italy, families of Roma workers are badigned to housing and everyone pays between 70 and 100 euros per month. Every morning the Roma will work in the fields. They often travel 150 km to reach the field in southern Lazio or near Salerno. There, some Roma sleep at night and in tents until they finish their work, then return to Campania.
Salary is determined by the labor market. The agreement is reached after negotiations between two bosses – a rum, the other Italian. The first chooses the workers and the second chooses the prices with the Italian employer. Each of the two bosses pays a commission. Thus, a Roma family of 4-5 people actually receives as much as the salary of an Italian adult working half of his hours. And when it comes to minors, it becomes even cheaper.

Ивайло Ачев

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