The regional governor of Vratsa issued an order announcing a disorderly situation on the territory of three municipalities in the region – Hajredin, Borovan and Moesia announced the regional administration.
On the basis of the Law on Protection against Disaster
] The regional governor of Vratsa is a distr or the mayors of the three municipalities organize the implementation of the municipal plan of protection against disasters and inform the mayors of town halls to take measures to protect the population
Regarding the abundance of rain and the danger of overflowing dams, The disorderly situation is in effect from 10 am today Monday, July 10th at 9 pm on Monday, July 16th.
The District Security Council and District Disaster Protection Plan Implementation Personnel are in continuous operation mode. The mayors of Haiderin, Borovan and Moesia are required to provide information about the situation every two hours to the operational duty officer of the District Security Council
There is currently no indication of danger for the population
We recall earlier today the mayor of Moesia Violin Krushovenski declared a partial disaster situation . The rain flooded the streets and the ground floors of the houses, the sidewalks of two central streets were completely destroyed. Emergency teams help people and respond to alerts. The technique that works is in the municipality of Mizia and Kozloduy nuclear power station EAD
In Moesia, water supply in the flooded neighborhoods is temporarily suspended.
At the behest of the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Nikolay Nankov, API teams and a road maintenance company also joined forces to help the region cope with the environment difficult after the heavy rains of the night [19659902] There is currently no data on people in distress in one or the other of the three municipalities
By 15 hours of restored traffic of all motor vehicles on the road II-15 Oryahovo – Mizia
In the Vratsa region of the city of Mizia, 16 signals were clbadified for flooded basements and ground floors.
Around 1 pm, the Rogozen-1 dam is over 3m3 / s. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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