Chronicles of the Underworld: For seven years, the prisoner escaped from the ISLL rocking – found on channel 3 (PHOTOS / VIDEO) – BLISTER


A story that is not really hard to believe. A story not to be missed. In 2011, prisoner Tsvetan Charlov, convicted of smuggling in particularly large sizes, complains of high blood pressure. From prison, they are housed in the ISUL from where he runs … in his flip flops.

Chorlov is saved from serving his sentence for contraband in particularly large sizes. Since then, 7 years have pbaded. For him nothing is absolutely known. But the leader of the channel 3 Lubo Ognyanov found it. See where – Saturday at the "Offensive with Lubo Ognyanov" at 17:00

"I have been a repeat offender for seven years, not 7 years, I have been illegal for 20 years, I'm at the looking for Europol, Europol, I do not know yet (19659003)

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