Concession at Sofia Airport – 3.89 billion euros in 35 years, waiting for Turks, Chinese, English and Germans


The concession of the Sofia airport is considering the construction from a third terminal as well as terminal extension 2.

accepted from 22 October

The estimated value of the concession of Sofia Airport is 3.89 billion euros excluding VAT. This is clear from the conditions published in the EU Official Journal. The amount consists of airport revenue of BGN 4.066 billion, additional revenue from operations for $ 1.155 billion, commercial revenue of $ 1.556 billion

It is specified that the concession is of mixed type and includes: [19659006] – construction of a third terminal until the tenth year of the period

– provision of services related to the operation of an airport in order to ensure its use by the carriers

Extension of the terminal 2 need – construction of a new runway

Initial payment by way of concession 550 million BGN excluding VAT, as it was the case with the previous procedure. Annual compensation amounts to 10% of the product, but can not be less than 15 million BGN.

According to the financial badysis

the concessionaire

will make payments

for a total of 1.408 billion

Leva excluding VAT

Each applicant must manage at least one international airport with at least at least 10 million pbadengers a year. If a person is involved individually and not in a consortium, there must be badets of 200 million euros over the past 3 years. If the offer is a consortium, this amount is 300 million euros

Participants must demonstrate their ability to finance a project in the infrastructure sector through equity (or debt financing for more 400 million euros). Another condition is

to make

investments for

600 million

The deadline for submitting offers is 22 October 2018.

According to unofficial information, foreign companies have already demonstrated an interest in the concession at the airport.

Among the merging investors are the operators of Munich and Manchester airports. Chinese companies should be interested in the "16 Plus 1" meeting that will take place today and tomorrow in Sofia

And the BSP alluded Thursday to the participation of Turkish companies in parliament

Elena Yoncheva, MP for BSP, said Thursday that it would not be a northern state, added his colleague Rumen Gechev. After him, Yoncheva said that the airport is a national security project, and the largest airport in Turkey, which has invested several billion, will soon be operational.

Yoncheva declared that Sofia would be a profit, but the concession would make a helping hand

The BSP showed the response of the Minister of Transport Ivaylo Moskovski, addressed to the deputy Georgi Svilensky. He indicates that by the end of this week, all the documents on the announcement of the concession will be published. He adds that the conclusions and recommendations of the World Bank's badyzes will be published with free and full access

According to Moskovski, all documents may be used or cited for other purposes than within the framework of the transaction

indicates that it relies on a reasonable approach and hopes that the disclosure will not lead to a serious exit of potential investors

In the GERB program in the transport section, we clearly indicated that port and airport infrastructures will develop through … partnership. With that, we were elected and people chose us. That's what Moskovski himself told reporters about BSP's reproaches for opacity in preparing the dealership.

The Minister stated that

can all be seen

in publication

. 19659006] And adds that he asked the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, who are consultants in the procedure, to show the badyzes, because the contract stipulates that this can not be done without their consent

"During the last administration of BSP for 2 years p ivatizirani largest companies in the transport in Bulgaria -" Bulgarian Maritime Fleet "and" Fleet of the Bulgarian River. "Extremely right-handed behavior 14 concessions were signed, including airport Varna and Burgas.They are nice, I did not say anything bad about them, if we remember what were the airports before the old barracks

The concessions help tourism and economic development of these two cities, why not develop Sofia too, Moskovsky asked, adding that the starting parameters of the procedure of the airport of So They are extremely high. "We expect an advance of 550 million leva, 1.2 billion in investments. We expect a concession payment of 15 mln BGN to the state, or 10% of the turnover. This is the badysis of the World Bank, explained the minister.

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