Endocrinologist of the MMA with a terrible warning: obesity will be the epidemic of the next century – BLITZ


Obesity is a chronic metabolic disorder with extremely serious effects on health, the incidence of which has reached epidemiological proportions today

It will be the epidemic not only in the 21st but probably in the 22nd century, Major Vesselina Mihneva, MD of the Department of Endocrinology and Disease of the Exchange of Military Medicine, told News.bg

The social significance of the Obesity is predetermined not only by the threatening proportions that it has reached among the world's population, but also by the health risks that it hides. Without a doubt, the relationship between overweight, obesity and premature mortality has been proven

Statistics show that in the world for 2008 – 1.5 billion people over 20 years of age make the # Overweight or make a tenth

Bulgaria is unfortunately one of the leaders in the obesity of the population. We are among the top three in the EU, with the Baltic republics. And in Europe, we are fifth. Turkey is surpbading us, where childhood obesity is very important because of the majority of the sugary foods that they use, says the specialist.

For Europe, overweight is known to be one in three children

Overall, Bulgaria is among the countries with the fastest rates of childhood obesity. This is a serious problem because the limit for children with type 2 diabetes falls – we are talking about 10-12 years, said Dr. Mihneva.

The consequences of obesity are no less disturbing and surprising than the numbers themselves.

There is a difference between obesity and obesity. Overweight is the stage before obesity that can be affected by medications, diets, diets. The most serious phase and the problems that arise from it occur when we already talk about the level of "obesity", which has several different degrees, warns the endocrinologist.

High blood pressure, diabetes, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, sleep apnea – are just some of the diseases we can get, thanks to the extra pounds , indiscriminate tremors with everything we see and lack of movement.
More complete people suffer more often from a heart attack and a stroke. It also affects the hormonal status. Often, in more complete women, the polycystic ovaries are observed and they can not get pregnant. In men, very often, a person is erectile dysfunction. There are patients who, when they lose 5 to 10 pounds, improve their erectile dysfunction, says Dr. Mihneva.

There are different drugs to influence obesity. And although, to a certain extent, its development is genetically determined, its behavioral factors, particularly dietary habits and motor activity, occupy an important place in its etiology. Therefore, if we are overweight or obese will depend primarily on ourselves, the others are just justifications

Obesity is a very complicated mechanism – it's not just a receipt of calories but a habit. Young people are learning more and more about eating sugary foods containing carbohydrates, empty calories. For example, a chip like energy expenditure is extremely high, like the elements that build the cell – there is nothing in it. Often sweet things and sausages sold outside contain those empty calories that can not be absorbed and burned by the body. That's why it's best to have something cooked at home, says Dr. Michneva.

Eat in the etiology of obesity

It is very important to eat. It is good to eat after sunrise, because then the level of cortisol is activated and the fat is burned. This is the reason why, for example, professional athletes can run and do cardio between 5 am and 6 pm

It is extremely important to activate the metabolism. And that's through the food. We should not focus on nutrition in one section of the day. It should be a little, but more often. Dinner should not be after 19:00. Or if it's impossible, be it some kind of protein.

Many factors influence obesity, but the habits that parents have learned are of paramount importance. It is very difficult and it is well to be educated in childhood, that is to say. do not give the child a soft drink or natural juice bought at the store, but fresh fruit juice, fruits, vegetables

The hardest thing is not weight loss, but weight retention, which means a change in lifestyle. Dr. Mihneva also mentions the different new regimes that go to the "market". They mainly seek to exclude carbohydrates and increase fats and proteins. As a type of diet, the results are sometimes unique and you can take between 5 and 10 pounds in a few weeks

The question is at what price and if it will stay on time. The protein has the least calories and leads to saturation, but at high doses it barely damages the kidneys – one of the few organs that damage it, there are no pills for The healing. Therefore, the recommendation is that even if these diets are followed, they are subject to very strict control and carbohydrates are not totally excluded

Finally, some helpful tips from Dr. Michneva for prevention because the l? obesity can lead to metabolic syndrome, increased frequency of cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea and other diseases: smoking and alcohol reduction in all cases have no not hungry because it leads to the destruction of a larger amount of food afterwards. And last but not least as advice – movement and more smiles.

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