Europe has blocked medicines for heart disease


Blocked drugs used to treat high blood pressure Recent myocardial infarction and heart failure. Their sale was stopped all over Europe, said the Bureau of Drugs Agency

The reason for this is that these drugs contain an impurity in the active substance valsartan . It is clbadified as probable carcinogen

The active substance was supplied to the EU by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals and is manufactured in China

It is clear that the European Agency of Medicines and the National Agencies study the degree of contamination by NDMA impurities of drugs containing valsartan and their possible effects on patients who receive them

valsartan is marketed on the pharmaceutical market alone or in combination with other active substances [19659002] On the page and a complete list of the drugs blocked can be found on the Agency /valsartan/block-Valsartan_list.pdf

The Agency drugs also provide a list of similar drugs

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