Explodes! Here's what sickness causes sitting with wet swimsuits


Wet swimsuits are like a magnet for pests and cause a lot of infections. An extended session in combination can cause various problems, from fungal infections to inflammations of the bladder

Alice Duke, a gynecologist at Sinai Medical School, says that the fungus and the bacteria grow in damp, dark areas such as swimsuits. bath suits and exercises. Women whose immune system is weakened, those who suffer from diabetes or those who take certain medications will almost certainly suffer from an infection if they are in wet swimsuit

Three reasons why it is not not necessary to sit in swimsuit [19659002] 1. Great combination for bacteria

The middle is wet and warm and is the perfect place for bacteria. Costumes absorb various chemicals and bacteria from swimming pools or seas. Once they leave the water, the badual organs are in contact with the harmful substances contained in the swimsuit

This breaks the balance of the good bacteria in the bad and can cause some harmful bacteria in the urinary tract and cause various diseases such as vaginitis and inflammation. of the urinary tract

Symptoms that indicate this problem: Unpleasant badl odor, gray color, itching, swelling, excessive sensitivity. Symptoms of urinary tract inflammation include a strong urge to urinate and a tingling sensation when urinating.

What to do: If you have any of these symptoms, do not forget to consult a doctor. Drink liquids, especially cranberry juice, until then

2. Fungal Infections

The fungus grows mainly in hot and humid areas, wet bathing is the ideal place for them. According to university hospitals, the multiplication of bacteria in suits causes an increase in fungal cells in the bad, resulting in unpleasant symptoms such as numbness and sensitivity

Symptoms that indicate this problem: Severe itching at the # 39, inside or outside the bad 19659002] What to do: Medications and antifungal cream are recommended, and if the situation does not improve, a doctor's visit is recommended [19659002] 3. Rash and itching

Driving in wet swimsuits can also cause an infection, spreading like mushrooms, which besides the bad organs can also occupy the part around the groin and back, the ratio of the American Academy of Family Physicians "

The infection is very similar to fungal, but the difference is in the form of the fungus

The symptoms that indicate this problem: Itching and rash around the l? crotch, redness, peeled skin

What to do: not so serious, use the cream against the mushroom powder.If it is more serious, do not forget to consult a doctor / Zdrave.to [19659016] (function () {
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