Farmers wait for help from Prime Minister – Livestock


Hundreds of cattle ranchers from various parts of the country have blocked the main Sofia-Varna road near Sheremetya village for a few minutes, with specific requests for state support for the country. Sheep and goat farming

Desperate farmers poured several pieces of milk on asphalt to show how force is applied to their work. On the side of the road, they lit a sheep wool bag, pointing out that this raw material is not bought in Bulgaria. The protest action was organized by the National Association of Sheep and Goats (NOCA).

After an unsuccessful meeting, according to them, with the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forests Rumen Porozhanov, the leaders of the badociation and the participants in the demonstration announced that their last hope is Prime Minister Boyko Borisov – to pay attention to their problems. find solutions

Hundreds of livestock producers have lost grants from the 2017 campaign and the 2018 campaign for Article 23 of Ordinance 3 on direct payments. The member was overthrown by the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) and now NOKA insists on the compensation of farmers

The Association has identified the revoked member as vicious and demanded the resignation of those who are responsible according to the organization – the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Agriculture. Food and Forestry Dr. Tsvetan Dimitrov, Georgi Pramatarov, Director of the Directorate of Direct Payments and Identification of Agricultural Parcels and Dr. Zlatka Vazelova, Director of the Directorate of Livestock. During the protest rally, Noka Co-President Simeon Karakolev urged the three to resign no later than Monday, July 16th.

"We do not abandon our claims, which we have previously stated, plus one more.Bulgarian society should know that its most traditional livelihood – sheep farming, are pushed into a mouse hole.It's just right now.Because our most traditional industry and the industry with the greatest potential is the most neglected.This is why we insist on the de minimis fair, because the amount of 7 BGN per capita is by no means sufficient.We are talking about 2008, when the de minimis was 40 leva, the fuel was 1.20-1.30 leva, the salary was 300 Now, when all this is double and triple, the de minimis is 7 leva. "There is no logic in that," explains Close.BG Simeon Karakolev

The protesters agreed that the State should compensate all sheep and goat farmers who have been unjustly injured by "Ordinance No. 3.

" If today they do not hear us, on Wednesday we will protest in Sofia before the Council of Ministers, then at the border. Wednesday, we will hit the Council of Ministers. We want the Prime Minister to pay us enough attention. We know that he is looking towards the future. Aware of all these circumstances, I think that it will really make a decision just for us, "commented Simeon Karakolev.

The sector is deeply offended by the humiliating low prices of sheep's and goat's milk

"We met the conditions, we ate 70 liters or more of animals, and what? What happened at our price, which should be the main income of a farm – the sale of raw sheep milk. The collapse at unimaginably low levels. For the loss of 30 pounds of sheep that we have generated in the last two years. Seven levs are extremely inadequate. We suggest that this is $ 20 – a 75% compensation for our loss generated over the past two years. Prices for the purchase of sheep's milk are currently between BGN 0.90 and BGN 1.10, up to a maximum of BGN 1.10 per liter. The problem with goat's milk is that very few dairies buy goat's milk, which places goat farmers in a situation where they can not legally sell it, because there are no dairies at proximity. buy it as goat's milk, "said Yanka Popova, co-chair of NOKA

The protest near Veliko Tarnovo also involved a group of breeders from the Burgas region affected by drastic measures against cattle plague. Venelin Georgiev is a young farmer from the village of Kosti. In his flock of 240 sheep and goats, there was not a sick animal. Due to a declared outbreak of the disease in the village on June 28 this year all his animals were killed.

"It's very difficult now.We are waiting for the benefits.A flock is 7-8 years old and is killed for two hours.What is the guarantee that after a year or two, the The same thing will not happen – they need adequate compensation and support for the border areas.The local vets are silent, they have made them murderers, "says the young man.

His friend and colleague Dimitar Minchev adds that the same tragedy is repeated in the municipality of Bolyarovo – killing healthy animals that have not been in contact with infected herds but are in the 3-kilometer zone

"Only the support of the state with financial means is the solution for us.The stakes should be slightly larger.And we are in quarantine.That means that no product can to be sold Do you know a breeder that his flock means to be quarantined? "said Dimitar Minchev, and his hope is that the prime minister will pay attention to the problems accumulated in the sector and solutions will be found

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