Father leaves his child with arrangements for the custody of Borisov – Bulgaria – Society


Parents of a handicapped child came to the reception hall of the Cabinet this morning, to protest, they would leave their son in the care of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov throughout the day to show him daily difficulties.

Emil Mavrodiev, father of Peter, 18, managed to put his son's wheelchair on the stairs of the Council of Ministers . 19659002] Radev: Disabled people want to work, do not rely on the state

Social Minister: This is not realistic free personal help

Other representatives of the parents protesters d & # 39; Disabled children

Later today, the parents of children / disabled people, their parents and the citizens of the whole country will come to a united demonstration in Sofia. Citizens from all over the country will support the demonstration "The system kills everyone"

The protesters will gather at 5 pm in front of the National Assembly

and the national protest against the system will go after this also to the Council of Ministers

In connection with recent events in the country, protesters say: "The system not only kills children, disabled adults and their families! The system kills – everyone!" According to them, "it is a protest of the people against the system.Fight for a decent life here and in Bulgaria". According to their data, the system has purged 1.200.000 Bulgarians during the decade

Coming soon

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