Floods in Krivodolsko – News.bg


After the in the city of Mizia was declared a state of catastrophe it became clear that in the village of Galatin in the village of Krivodol, rain also caused a number of damages.

After an hour of rain, the streets of the village looked like rivers The rain was drenching both the asphalt and the gravel streets of the village.

Residents explain that the water comes not only from the rain, but also from the surrounding fields

It became apparent that a drainage channel recently repaired the amount of water from the field , following which the road to the municipal center of Krivodol was compromised

The area is risky to cross and is currently surrounded by a band However, the mayor of the village of Galatin is worried. According to him, if there is no fast repair, the road will fall a lot, which will create a real and significant risk for the inhabitants

According to part of the village population, the problems with the rains and the large amount of water started with a cbad street drainage 16 years ago. However, when the local river increased its level, the cbad stopped working. A problem with a freshly paved street was also encountered – the water flowing directly into the courtyards and houses of the people. Renewal the street was asphalted at the level of the old curbs

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