GDOC organized a workshop on skimmers and counterfeit documents near Plovdiv – Plovdiv


The GDBOP unveiled a workshop for skimming counterfeit devices and documents near Plovdiv. The functioning of the staff of the DG Fight against organized crime took place on July 13 under the supervision of the specialized prosecutor, announced by the Ministry of the Interior

During the actions, in a village, not far from Plovdiv, a fully equipped "production workshop" was opened. Seized: computers with programs for processing and storage of information illegally removed from bank cards; plastics; microprocessor strips and battery packs for data collection; slots and keyboards for cash dispensers; POS terminals with batteries; advice with different tips and many other material evidence. There are also a large number of Bulgarian and foreign documents (pbadports, identity cards, car coupons, visa stickers and stickers), spaces for personal documents, no names or other data, and no photos.

During the operation, a total of eight addresses were searched in Plovdiv, as well as cars. Many expertise has been badigned to delimit the boundaries of criminal activity. The data collected so far indicate that the participants have been active since January 2017

The four detainees were charged with the operation. By decrees of a prosecutor specialized, they were sanctioned by guarantees of 150 000 BGN and 100 000 BGN respectively, and two of the participants – 70 000 BGN.

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