Gene editing results in genetic mutations


CRISPR-Cas9 technology, on which medicine holds high hopes, is less accurate than previously thought and causes unexpected genetic mutations, according to research findings cited by Reuters and France Press. The technology in question – particular molecular scissors that can selectively cut the defective genes and replace them with new DNA fragments, has caused frequent and significant mutations in experiments with mice and human cells, reported the BTA . Alan Bradley, of the Wellcome Sanger Institute in London, said: "Its use in gene therapy should be accompanied by many precautions, taking care of a possible side effect. 19 659004] For the CRISPR-Cas9 technology, whose development is attributed to Emmanuel Charpentier and Jennifer Dudden, was announced for the first time in 2012. It relies on an enzyme that acts as a molecular chisel. The technology is still under investigation and untested on humans. In previous research, scientists have successfully corrected a genetic defect in human embryos. This finds ways to treat genetic diseases, but also raises ethical issues. Theoretically, the technology could be used to create genetically modified babies to choose, for example, the color of their hair or increase their physical strength

The results of the new study reveal changes in the DNA of certain cells . Changes could activate or deactivate important genes and lead to serious consequences. "In the field of genome editing, it is extremely important to note that the changes we have made are the ones we wanted to question," said Robin Lawle-Badge of the Francis Crick Institute in London, which did not participate in the study. (function (d, s, id) {
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