Great change for pilots! In the center of Sofia, stop the old cars, go here under the knife – BLITZ


Polluting cars will be limited in the central parts of Sofia. The more environmentally friendly cars will be distinguished from harming our health through the sticker for a technical review and an integrated chip. This is clear from the response of Transport Minister Ivaylo Moskovski to a parliamentary question on measures for greener transport in the country, writes "Monitor"

The change is stipulated in a regulation of the Ministry of Transport for periodic checks of the technical condition of the vehicles. Experts have tried to technically implement the idea of ​​the Sofia Municipality, related to the definition of ecological groups, widely known as the European standard, to which every motor vehicle will be qualified

"The group Ecological will be determined based on the amount and content of car exhaust emissions found during periodic reviews and the Euro category of the vehicle, "said Moskovsky. To this end, the information system of the "Auto Administration Executive Agency" (IAAA) will run automatically. The environmental group will be reflected in the technical journal and in a dedicated chip allowing remote reading of the vehicle data. This will also introduce an additional criterion in determining the tax liability of vehicles depending on the pollution they cause

"Our idea is related to the fight against air pollution in Sofia. "

Minister Moskovski, with whom we asked to find a way for a clear technical identification of the engine during the technical overhaul against Euro 3,4,5 and 6. It is possible to do this with a puce ", explained for Monitor – President of the Transport Commission in Sofia Municipality Zafir Zarkov.The letter is on behalf of the presidents of the two committees of Sofia Municipal Council – Transport and Environment and with a mandate from Mayor Yordanka Fandakova. City councilors is to limit the movement of cars in the center of the city in the days with increased air pollution. "Only vehicles with the highest environmental performance of the engine – Euro 5 and Euro 6 – and those having the 39, Euro 2 and 3 will be punished as they cross the central part of the city, "added Zarkov

.The companies have reacted negatively because they believe that this is going limit to suppliers of goods in downtown stores. This will lead to new investments by companies to modernize their fleet in the most central areas

There will be no problems with courier companies that have purchased electric vehicles in recent years

By changing the regulations on the part of the former SIA also provides for the connection of its information system with measuring devices with technical checkpoints to avoid manipulation of the measurements made [19659009] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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