Horror in Primorsko! The Porsche Cayenne driver opened the window, reached out and started firing – Blitz


A 29 – year – old man stepped into a real action movie, firing several shots in the air with his pistol at Primorsko. He drove Porsche Cayen across the station when he suddenly opened the window, held out his hand, where the gun was and began to thunder, wrote Flagman.

Immediately, residents of the civic center reported police and minutes later cops arrived. They immediately handcuffed IM's hands, 29-year-old Razlog – the driver of the expensive car. In the back seat, Porsche found two 18 and 19 year old girls, the detonator tried to impress with his "rebellious" behavior

A gas pistol, a four halves cartridge and a box [19659003]

The young man was detained for a period of 24 hours The case resulted in quick action of the police for the hooligans deeds of a detologue

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