How did you sleep? Which foods and drinks interfere with our good sleep?


How did you spend the night? Some certainly good, but for other dreams, it was not so satisfying. What can be attributed to this? Take a look at your diet, especially in the last hours of the day. Some foods and drinks are a very bad idea for the evening meal, not only because of the many calories, but because they can disrupt your sleep. Take a look at some of them


After the end of the day, some people like to "relax" with a cup of two of their favorite beverage, using it as a way to get a drink. ; sleep. It does not work! Although alcohol makes you sleepier and slumber faster, the quality of your sleep will be disrupted. As a result of the morning, you will not be rested. Your circadian rhythm is confused, you may be awake at night or asleep


Grains are fit for consumption at the beginning of the day, not at the end. Most of them contain sugars and syrups, which causes a rise in blood sugar levels and certainly can not adjust your body for a sleep phase


Although the cheese has soothing properties the tyramine that accumulates during the process of fermentation and ripening. Tyramine makes the brain awake, disrupting sleep. In addition, ripened cheeses are considered one of the causes of headaches. If you eat cheese, eat mozzarella


Who does not like to eat in his favorite chocolate bed. However, if you want to go to sleep on time and sleep fully, chocolate before sleeping is not a good idea. Chocolate contains caffeine, especially that of high cocoa, and theobromine, a compound that can increase heart rate and alertness

Processed Meat

Lambs, hams, sausages and any processed meat are not suitable not at dinner. Just like the mermaid to ripen, sausages contain tyramine. Turkey meat is better because it contains tryptophan, a compound that promotes a good sleep

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are delicious and useful, but not for eating in the afternoons and late in the day. They contain a lot of sugars, increase the blood sugar level and their digestion takes longer, which can cause gastric disturbances.

Potato fries

We love and love to eat at all times. But potatoes, like any other fried food, contain a lot of fat, which makes them difficult to digest. All this disturbs the quality of sleep


Like old cheeses, delicious tomatoes also contain tyramine. The compound may be the cause of the synthesis of norepinephrine – a neurotransmitter that can stimulate brain activity

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