How to protect yourself from the viruses of the summer?


Head of infectious disease at the first Sofia hospital with plea

"This year is not different from others, but Lyme disease exists in our country and there is a risk after" The Dr. Atanas Mangerov, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the First Hospital of Bulgaria ON AIR

The doctor explained that the diagnosis is laboratory and that Lyme disease is asymptomatic, but in a small part of cases may have a rash circular or, very rarely, influenza infection

"If a man is bitten by a tick, it should be studied in a month, with a high dose of antibiotic," said the specialist in "Bulgaria morning. "

Dr. Mangarov pointed out that measles is a permanent trait because of the mbadive denial of vaccinations, but reaffirmed that the countries around us continue to have cases while Bulgaria remains as an "island of tranquility" in because of the measures taken.

"Summer infections are caused by viruses that live in the intestinal mucosa and spread through faecal contamination." At sea, when picking many people, conditions are created for the spread of the disease, and salmonella to infect a person. eaten several million microbes by animal faecal contamination, "said Dr. Atanas Mangarov

The specialist also reported the most common symptoms: fever, vomiting, diarrhea.

" We must also be careful when we buy food from outside objects and we pay attention to the person who sells them – to wash their hands and avoid feeding in dubious places, "advises Dr. Mangarov.] Watch the video with the whole conversation

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