Hundreds of thousands of Bulgarian patients are trapped in potentially dangerous drugs containing a carcinogenic impurity. The Medicines Agency blocks 62 products for the treatment of hypertension, heart attack and heart failure because of the risky ingredient.
In the last 12 months, 3.5 million packages containing the substance valsartan, he stressed in Bulgaria in the morning on Bulgariq on Air. Kostov added that there are drugs with dangerous impurities on the market since 2012, according to him, it is a systemic oversight
"The problem affects too many people, affecting 2300 lots, even millions of people Nikolay Kostov said: [TRADUCTION] Dr. Nikolay Branzalov, general practitioner and vice president of the Council of Bulgarian doctors, is a carcinogen and I am not sure that he is safe. union, pointed out that valsartan is a very well known and good molecule.It is mainly used to treat high blood pressure, especially when it is combined with diabetes mellitus
"We were surprised by this news because the formula is really good, I am worried about the colossal work to be done to replace this "I really hope that reason has prevailed because I can not imagine what will happen if this formula gives a carcinogenic effect do not clear, "said Dr. Bronzalov.
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