Ice Eggs Destroy Kardjali Mayors Call for Help (VIDEO) – Blitz


Abundant rains and hail the size of an egg destroyed dozens of decares of agricultural produce in the Kardzhali region. In some places, the ice cover was half a meter. There are many broken windows, tiles and drilled roofs, writes the BNR.

The villages of Velizane, Boyno, Kyosevo and Prilepts suffered the most. Local people said that there was such a storm for the first time.

Hail destroyed the entire harvest of the inhabitants.

Many roads between neighborhoods are crowded with deposits. The mayors of the villages concerned insist that the municipality of Kardzhali send an excavator to clear the roads.

According to the midnight weather forecast for northern Bulgaria, precipitation will stop and clouds will break and fall. In the morning and in other areas, it will be especially clear. Tomorrow, sunlight will prevail with temporary increases in clouds, mainly in northern Bulgaria and in mountainous regions.

К The weather will be the days and times in the BLIS column, where we inform you in real time of the weather conditions of the country

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