Iliana Benovska: Ms. Ninova, I personally thank you for this badysis that you have made to the European presidency, because it shows that you are seriously preparing to win elections and get on stage strong opposition, I say it seriously! And now the badysis. I am very curious to draw a picture if you were to head Bulgaria in the economic and political situation in which Bulgaria, the EU and the world are, what you accuse Boyko Borissov and GERB of not having reached the achieved and how? And for your convenience, I will only tell you three facts, saying that the EU has not been more divided. Let us tell you how would you get closer to Breskit, the presence of the Visegrad Four, the weakening of Angela Merkel in Germany and on a European scale, with the will to revise the Dublin agreement and incommensurability of migrants? Second, you talked about competitiveness and subsidies in agriculture, which were reduced during the presidency of the European Union. Let me inform you that agricultural subsidies were reduced during the negotiation process before the entry of Bulgaria into Europe and this happened during the triple coalition and mainly during the Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev. And from here – you're talking about 76 or 78 demonstrations, are you going to avoid controversy in the BSP, what's going on in Kazanlak, Vratsa, Montana? And if you were at the head of Bulgaria during the European presidency, to what extent would you protest or even if you were to become Prime Minister for 6 months, what protest would you have? Finally, for foreign investment – 161 million retired Ms. Ninova – it's a manipulation of facts! Because large parent companies have granted loans to their subsidiaries here and that they have been returned to the respective banks, look at the BNB report! Thank you
Cornelia Ninova: So – the BSP and the questions from Kazanlak, Montana and Vratsa. Ms. Benovska, whenever you ask me questions about our internal affairs. Whenever I am tempted to invite you to become a member of the party, come to plenary, answer all these questions and receive them constantly
Iliana Benovska: And if I get up, where do you ask me [19659004] Cornelia Ninova: Seriously
Kornelia Ninova: A star! There you will have the opportunity, since you know my position of principle …
Mojito Cornelia Ninova: Yes, we will have arguments
Iliana Benovska: You me say that I have never been a member of a party.
Cornelia Ninova: But our principled position remains such that it is – we discuss this work at internal forums, so anyone who has anything in recent weeks does not limit it to say it but we invite you, as well as you, to the 21st of July at our national meeting, where we will present our vision for Bulgaria. Everyone is welcome to the party to say with what he does not agree, what alternative he offers. You come, you will be invited!
Илиана Беновска: And will this National Council be open and finally for the media?
Cornelia Ninova: I have just invited you all welcome
Iliana Benovska: But can we listen to the discussions
Cornelia Ninova: Yes, of course!
Yes, of course!
Iliana Benovska: You are currently on the subject
Cornelia Ninova: It's the news, when are we hiding now to hide ourselves
Iliana Benovska: Well, then you say – the media is coming!
Iliana Benovska: And if I become a member of the party, will you make me a member of the National Assembly, become a member of the National Assembly?
Cornelia Ninova: If you choose the holiday, these works are chosen for us. Come with the first step to become a member, then I will discuss the internal affairs with you
Iliana Benovska: I will retire as long as you are a member of the National Assembly
Cornelia Ninova: So I do not do it, and the BSP would do it in this situation. Let's say in principle and categorically that we would have no position – we are the President of the EU Council and we do not have the right to express our opinion because we are equalizing! We would not do that. We would have a position on each subject. Let's start one at a time, and perhaps especially on hot topics, regarding the Macron package – instead of the current government, we would organize things so that we can find the support of ministers from other countries in our situation with the Council of Ministers to be able to block this decision. We suggested three months ago to seek support among others to build a great team of common interests able to protect them. As far as cohesion policy is concerned, not only we, we did it. The Visegrad Quartet has presented a statement to Bulgaria as President – let us join together and say not to reduce funds for cohesion policy. The Prime Minister refused to sign it with the thesis – we are the president and we can not express our opinion, we must be badimilated to others. The BSP not only supported such a statement, but I supported it at the meeting with the leaders of the four Visegrad parties, because I believe that such a position protects our common EU from not increasing the differences, defend the Bulgarian interest, etc. As far as the demonstrations are concerned, I can tell you in particular what we would do about the demonstrations, how much there could be during our reign, I can not guess. I mentioned them as an objective expression, an badessment of government governance. What does it show you if you are a leader? If we are leaders – do you sit down and think what does this mean? Half of my people are unhappy and are in the street. So somewhere I am confused and something has to be done. Let's say that if there was a protest from doctors at the Lovech Municipal Hospital of which I spoke, we would have run the BSP program and if we had managed to allocate 400 million leva, to heal municipal hospitals by paying their debts, business enterprises, make them medical institutions under the Medical Establishments Act and regulate municipal and regional health care. We would do, for example, this protest, not to launch one to the other. We certainly would not have solved all the problems of the country, of course, but at least we would try to offer an alternative, not only if one day we succeed, but we also offer it all the time during the European Presidency. Agricultural policy – we are not running out of the fact that Bulgaria is joining the EU with lower subsidies, even as I mentioned in my statement. But why should this flaw and this deepening of the problem continue? We have gone through the difficult period, why should we even less in the future, instead of struggling with other European countries and other farmers? You see what France has done, when we said we were going to reduce agricultural subsidies, the whole of France is on the edge. The Bulgarian government is silent and says – we'll see. Our government does not have a say on these issues. I guarantee that the BSP would not have only had it if it reigned. She has it now and we have expressed it that way. But the main one, as an alternative over there, which I think must be done – look for allies. The whole presidency was a joke, kisses without content. To have a vision of what Europe should be and seek allies after states that are in the same situation, to seek a consensus and to decide in the majority how democratic is – the majority decides and the others take into account [19659020] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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