MH called for a working group to eliminate hepatitis in Bulgaria


  photo of the working group MZ convened on the elimination of hepatitis in Bulgaria

Photo: Skrinski

Today, July 25 2018, the National Assembly celebrated the World Day of the fight against hepatitis hepatitis. At the event, the Deputy Health Minister Svetlana Yordanova said that the task of the Ministry of Health is to convene a working group for the development of a national program. viral hepatitis, which will include screening for diseases.

Participants in the initiative also participated: Tsvetka Karayancheva, Speaker of the National Assembly, Lachezar Ivanov, Deputy Chairman of the Health Committee of the National Assembly, Dr. Skender Sila, Chief Office

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At the event, the resolution adopted by the regional conference "Screening and prevention of viral hepatitis and HIV in the region of Central and Eastern Europe: similar challenges, joint solutions Was presented for the first time. The resolution aims to identify key issues that are similar to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe on the issue of viral hepatitis and HIV and place them on the agendas of the institutions.

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