Ministry of the Interior officials celebrate their professional vacations


In the specialized antiterrorist unit. Today, there was a demonstration of commandos, soldiers and karate drivers, showing the capture of a live intruder and exploding a briefcase with a specialized robot to eradicate the explosions

The Celebrations started earlier in the day. a new technique from the Ministry of the Interior has been demonstrated. They continued in front of the monument of the missing police in the Holy See's church, and there, the Minister of the Interior Valentin Radev, in his speech, noted that for the first time the holiday is taking place if widely that it unfolds without protest.

Valentin Radev, Minister of the Interior: Congratulations to the unions – their leaders, they are here. It is not like last year to be on the other side and to have protests. We have found the right tone, the constructive dialogue, I wish them to remain socially sensitive and tell us if we are confused.

The party continues especially for little boys because they can climb fire trucks, teach them to put out a fire, there are also earthquake demonstrations where people are trained to act in such situations.

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